Know More About Pest Control

Pest Infestations are common around homes and commercial buildings as well as in farms and other outdoor environments. The pests can be in the form of insects that either fly or crawl. Crawling insects are considered pests because of their ability to crawl in search of food and shelter. Some of the common crawling pests include Cockroaches, Bedbugs, Ants, Fleas, Lice, ticks, and Termites.

Crawling insects cause a lot of nuisance and no one wants them in their homes because apart from some being health-threatening, they also cause damage to properties. There is thus a need to control pests for the following reasons;

  • To avoid damage as pests can damage things like clothes and Furniture.
  • To avoid contamination because pests attack food that is either in storage or processing.
  • To prevent the spread of diseases because pests carry with them diseases that affect both people and animals
  • The Law requires that insects are controlled hence failure to comply with this regulation may lead to prosecution.
  • Pest Infestation can cause Financial loss if the pests damage goods meant for sale.
  • There is avneed to safeguard reputation and goodwill especially for commercial premises

There are many methods to control pests. The method to employ is influenced by the level of infestation and damage. Depending on the stage, the response taken will range from tolerance, deterrence, and management.

For farmers, pests are controlled by chemical or biological means. Preparing the soil before planting minimizes the chance of attack because lately, people are moving away from the use of pesticides unless it is necessary. Also selecting seeds that are resistant to pests and in other instances, biological means such as encouraging natural enemies of the pests and introducing predators are used.

In homes and commercial buildings, pests are controlled by exclusion, repulsion, physical removal or chemical means Biological control methods can also be used such as sterilization. With time, people are moving away from the use of synthetic pesticides and opting for more natural methods to control pests. This is because as much as the chemicals may seem effective when starting, with time they become less effective and the pests become resistant. Also, the chemicals contained in pesticides have dangerous side effects on people and the environment. For this reason, the use of chemicals can be dangerous within a home.

In farming, the most effective way that will avoid the use of synthetic pesticides and at the same time keep pests away is to ensure that before planting, the soil is healthy and fertile, also ensure the crop is compatible with the soil type. Only when it is very necessary. Organic fertilizers can be used. In the worse that this measure doesn’t work then one can result to use of pesticides that can get rid of the pests and still are healthy to the environment, pets and people.

The use of Barriers and repellants is another effective way to get rid of bugs. Barriers and repellants prevent crawling insects from gaining access to the farm or house by acting as a wall. For example, some plants act as a trap for insects hence denying insect access.

Biological pest control methods like protozoa, and are also effective in getting rid of pests and the advantage with them is that they are non-poisonous to human beings and animals and pests are also less likely to become resistant to them. Because these bacteria occur naturally, they are also friendly to the environment.

However, when it comes to getting rid of pests within the home, people need to take a lot of caution. One needs to be concerned about the method uses. The most effective way to get rid of pests and still keep people and pets around the house safe is to use organic methods. In cases where organic ways fail, one can result in using natural pesticides that are effective and environmentally friendly. One needs to be careful with the use of these pesticides because some are still poisonous to human beings. Before even using pesticides; natural or organic, easy habits can be cultivated within the household to keep pests away.

First, always clean up and declutter. This will keep cockroaches and bugs away. Second, block the pests out by filling holes and sealing cracks in walls and floors. This will keep cockroaches and rodents that can squeeze into such spaces away. Third, starve the pests by pest-proofing food on storage. If this does not work, one can use pesticides everything fails one can enlist the help of professionals.

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